Anna Ayuso Pozo

Doctor in Public International Law and Master in European Studies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Senior Research Fellow on Latin America in at CIDOB since 2002, previously coordinator of the International Cooperation Area (1996-2002). Associate Professor of Public International Law at the UAB since 1998 and member of the DIE-EURJAIDI research team (2014-2016 and 2017-2019). Associate Professor in the Barcelona Institute for International Studies (IBEI). Member of the Editorial Board of the Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internationals; Member of the Consultative Council of the Revista Mural International of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro; Member of the advisory board of the Comillas Journal for International Relations. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Reflection group on integration and development in Latin America and Europe (GRIDALE). Research stays at Fundaçao Getulio Vargas of Rio de Janeiro; Colegio de México and the Technical Office of Spanish Cooperation in Mexico City; "School of Oriental and African Studies" in London; the "Institute of Development Studies" University of Susex; and the "Deutches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik" in Berlin. Experience in reports and consultancies for various Spanish and EU institutions. Coordinator of the Europe-Cuba Forum Jean Monnet Network (2018-2021).

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