CIDOB pursues the criteria of excellence, relevance and impact in its research. In its publications, CIDOB combines the informative-analytical and the academic-cultural with the publications expected of a think tank.

Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals
Created in 1982, Revista CIDOB d'Afers internacionals is a four-monthly cultural/academic journal on international relations that publishes original works. Each issue is a monograph coordinated by an expert which offers an in-depth analysis, from a multi and transdisciplinary perspective, of a topic of the international reality.

CIDOB International Yearbook
Since 1989 this reference work has provided keys to interpreting Spanish foreign policy and international relations. Through various articles written by prestigious academics and policymakers, the publication provides a multidisciplinary approach to addressing issues of politics, economy and society.
ISSN: 2014-0223 (print edition)
ISSN: 2014-0703 (online edition)
D.L.: B-8440-2012 (on-line)
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+34 93 302 64 95
Dep. Publicaciones
c/ Elisabets, 12, Barcelona 08001 ES