(Un)globalising civil society: the cases of women’s rights in Burundi and Liberia

Revista CIDOB d'Afers internacionals_105
Publication date: 04/2014
María Martín de Almagro Iniesta
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This article examines the evolution of the internal battles between activists in the transnational campaign for the implementa­tion of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security and subse­quent resolutions from a poststructuralist per­spective. Based on extensive fieldwork, the article attempts to answer the question of how international activists participating in a transnational campaign affect local women’s rights campaigns in two post-conflict states: Burundi and Liberia. Or rather, why was the transnational campaign for the Resolution 1325 in Burundi considered a failure while the same campaign in Liberia was deemed a success by the international community?

Key words: civil society, boomerang effect, Burundi, Liberia, human rights, gender secu­rity, international norms

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