New strategies by indigenous movements against extractivism in Chile

Revista CIDOB d'Afers internacionals_105
Publication date: 04/2014
Ximena Cuadra Montoya
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This article analyses the emergence of transnational activism in the context of collective action organised around socio-environmental conflicts in Chile’s indigenous areas. It details the main events in the process of indigenous mobilisation in the form of three emblematic cases carried out on an interna­tional scale, together with their implications for the national political arena. The author explains how, after the indigenous people’s demands were blocked at home, they then mobilised abroad, where they raised aware­ness over their situation and called for justice in the international courts. Finally, at the local level the paper identifies the inclusion of glo­bal frameworks related to the human rights to the indigenous peoples.

Key words: transnational activism, indig­enous people, human rights, socio-environ­mental conflicts, social movements

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