The Trump doctrine in foreign policy: foundations, ruptures and continuities

Revista CIDOB  d'Afers Internacionals_120
Publication date: 12/2018
Juan Tovar Ruiz, Profesor contratado doctor interino de Relaciones Internacionales, Departamento de Derecho Público, Universidad de Burgos
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The Trump administration’s foreign policy has generated significant debates in the field of US foreign policy studies. Using a methodology based on theoretical elements such as neoclassical realism and Foreign Policy Analysis, this paper seeks to unravel the foundations of his administration’s foreign policy in areas like decision-making processes, doctrinal and ideological bases and the ruptures and continuities with his predecessor’s foreign policy. The conclusions provide a more nuanced view of the foreign policy of a US president inspired by different theoretical sources with more continuities with his predecessor than most authors admit, but conditioned by a dysfunctional decision-making process and the lack of strategy in the medium and long term.

Key words: Trump administration, foreign policy, United States, doctrine, decision-making process

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