The science and culture of memory in Serbian diplomacy

Revista CIDOB  d'Afers Internacionals_120
Publication date: 12/2018
Branislav Pantovic, Gestor, Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (Argentina) y Gabriela Michelini, Profesora adjunta e investigadora, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Buenos Aires.
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Scientists’ participation in foreign policy strategies fill very few pages in the studies of the international relations of non-hegemonic countries. This text analyses a case study of the science diplomacy of Serbia – a small non-hegemonic country without considerable resources – in the context of the culture of memory as a global challenge. First of all, certain concepts are introduced to interpret the relationship between science and diplomacy; second, the case is described and analysed and the mechanisms of articulation are presented that allow the plausible operability of science diplomacy as a shared space for the consolidation of foreign policy strategies; finally, an evaluation and conclusions are offered.

Key words: culture, memory, diplomacy, science, global challenges, Second World War, Serbia, international relations


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