The Sahara and Sahel after Gaddhafi

Nota Internacional CIDOB 44
Publication date: 01/2012
Laurence Aïda Ammour, Associate researcher at CIDOB and at Les Afriques dans le Monde to the Bordeaux Institute for Political Sciences
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Notes internacionals CIDOB, núm. 44

By redrawing the geostrategic map of the Maghreb and Sahel, Gaddhafi's fall and elimination has disrupted old strategic balances, caused a psychological shock to numerous communities who are faithful to the Libyan leader, and generated socio-economic repercussions that are being harshly felt.

The power vacuum at the core of the old geopolitical structure has direct consequences on the Sahel as a whole, and both domestically and transnationally as well. The region, already afflicted by a number of security challenges such as drug, arms or human trafficking, and the intensification of uprisings and terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), now faces unexpected risks emerging from the Libyan crisis, notably in the border regions of the Saharo-Sahelian countries.

Those risks relate to the following three areas of concern:
- Social and economic issues that generate tensions among local communities;
- The militarisation and the increasing power of militant islamism;
- The existence of potentially destabilising loyalist and/or irredentist elements


>>Version française: L’après-Gaddhafi au Sahara-Sahel