EU immigration and asylum policy: the 2015 crisis

Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2015-2016 (nueva época)
Publication date: 12/2016
Diego Boza Martínez, profesor de Derecho Penal, Universidad de Cádiz, María Bruquetas Callejo, profesora asociada, Universidad de Ámsterdam e Irene Claro Quintáns, profesora colaboradora, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
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This chapter discusses the main developments in EU policy, legislation and case law on migration and asylum in 2015. The mass arrival of migrants and asylum seekers at EU borders triggered a crisis in EU admission and asylum policy. This has brought migration to the top of the EU’s political agenda, with the European Commission taking advantage to move towards a common migration policy. Nevertheless, the issue of migration continues to pit member states against each other and against the Commission, as shown by the notably slow implementation of the Agenda on Migration 2015. The new EU policy is biased towards security issues and border control, leaving others, such as the protection of the right to asylum and migrant integration, in the background.

Key words: European Union, 2015, refugee crisis, migration policy, asylum policy

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