Ethnic Hispanicism and the Iberosphere: Vox''s peculiar view of the Latin American region

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals nº 132
Publication date: 11/2022
Guillermo Fernández-Vázquez and David Lerín Ibarra
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Guillermo Fernández-Vázquez, profesor de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, Universidad Carlos III (Madrid). ORCID: 

David Lerín Ibarra, profesor de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ORCID:

Ethnic nationalism or ethnonationalism is a fundamental feature of the ideology of the Spanish political party Vox. This connects it with the political thought of the populist radical right (as defined by Mudde) within the wider far right family. First, this paper examines what ethnic nationalism or ethnonationalism means, in theoretical terms, before going on to analyse a peculiar feature that distinguishes Vox’s nativism from other European radical right parties: “ethnic Hispanicism”. Finally, it studies Vox’s connections with Latin America, investigating the specific conceptualisation and strategic features of the project the Spanish party calls the “Iberosphere”.

Keywords: Vox, Spain, radical right, ethnic Hispanicism, ideology, Iberosphere, Latin America, extreme right

How to cite this article:  Fernández-Vázquez, Guillermo y Lerín Ibarra, David. «Hispanismo étnico e iberosfera: la peculiar mirada de Vox hacia la región latinoamericana». Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, n.º 132 (diciembre de 2022), p. 49-71 DOI:

Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals n.º 13.21, p. 49-71
Quadrimestral (October-December 2022)
ISSN:1133-6595 | E-ISSN:2013-035X

Reception date: 03.05.22 ; Acceptance date: 31.08.22

>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language