Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals. Instructions and style guide

Please follow these instructions carefully and refer to the checklist found at the end of this document. Failure to do so may lead to your paper being rejected.
Taking an academic approach, the text should address issues concerning international relations and raise a clear research question. Drawing on hard, substantiated and current data, the paper must highlight the main challenges, trends and perspectives regarding the subject matter, combining information with in-depth analysis.
The work submitted must be original and make a fresh contribution to scientific knowledge in the field of study.
Following scientific review and the editing process, accepted papers become copyright of CIDOB and cannot be reproduced without its permission. They are published in Spanish in print (for sale in bookshops or by subscription) and digital format (open access under the licence Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike International 4.0).
After an initial scientific screening and automatic scan using the Viper plagiarism checker, papers undergo a process of external double-blind peer review.
Verdicts can be one of four types: approved; approved subject to minor changes; subject to major changes (in which case the new version must undergo review again before approval); and rejected (the paper cannot be resubmitted).
The author(s) must not submit the manuscript to other publishers and/or journals while it is under review. Every effort will be made to provide a response within 5 or 6 weeks. Should it be accepted, and it is not part of a monograph, the paper shall be published according to schedule, within a maximum period of one year where possible.
The title should provide a concise indication of the content. It may be followed by a subtitle which should contain only complementary information: maximum 10-13 words (90 characters with spaces), both inclusive.
Include name, affiliation (position and institution) and email address (institutional where possible). In a separate document, please provide a short bio (300 words), along with contact details: telephone number and postal address.
Important: please provide ORCID and Web of Science ResearcherID (Publons) digital identifiers. This benefits the author(s), the editorial team and the scientific community at large.
MAXIMUM 7,000 words, including footnotes and bibliographical references (±10%).
Please provide an abstract for the paper of no more than 135 words in one paragraph, as well as 5-7 keywords (try to ensure they are the most searched terms on the subject). The abstract should be informative and include the research question, the context and the methodology, as well as the main results and conclusions. It should be clear and spark the reader’s interest.
The manuscript body should comprise an introduction which explains and frames the research question historically, theoretically, analytically and empirically as well as outlining the structure of the paper; a main section which develops and analyses the subject matter (we recommend dividing it into sections separated by subheadings, with a maximum of three levels of subtitles); and conclusions which gather the findings and main ideas of the study. Lastly, bibliographical references are to be included at the end of the text, listed alphabetically (see editing criteria below).
We recommend using inclusive language when writing the paper, which will be taken into consideration at the editing stage. We suggest referring to the following link: Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English.
Infographics (tables and diagrams) will be accepted to accompany the text, but please limit the number. Submit them in Excel format (important) and insert them in the relevant place in the manuscript. All tables and figures must include a title and source, as they are considered separate units of information.
In calls for papers, selected proposals will be accepted in Spanish and English. Unsolicited submissions (non-monograph papers), however, will only be accepted Spanish.
Please send the text by email in Word or RTF format to
Before proceeding to design and layout, the edited text will be sent to the author(s) (or alternatively to the issue’s scientific coordination team) for review (to resolve queries and/or confirm editorial changes). This text must be returned within a period of no more than one week from the date on which it is sent. Substantial changes or alterations to the content of the edited text will not be accepted.
The editorial team reserves the right to modify the format of acronyms, initials, bibliographical references, footnotes, official positions, etc, in the interests of the overall consistency required by a periodical publication and in accordance with the CIDOB Style Guide.
Please follow the general guidelines below:
1. Acronyms and initials
When an acronym or initial is used for the first time, first write the name in full followed by the acronym or initial in parentheses. Maintain the consistency of acronyms and initials throughout the text.
2. Footnotes
Footnotes serve to clarify or complement aspects of the content of the text and should be used sparingly. Do not confuse footnotes with bibliographical references (see next point). If the note needs to be referenced, add the cited author’s surname, year of publication and the page number in parentheses, e.g. (Innerarity, 2009: 26). Please limit footnotes to a maximum of 25-30.
3. Bibliographical references
We accept and apply the general criteria of the UNE-ISO 690:2024 (equivalent to ISO 690:2021) standard on bibliographical references and citations.
List them in alphabetical order at the end of the text. If there are several references to the same author, order them chronologically from least to most recent.
References must be cited in the text, where the reference will appear in parentheses, stating only the cited author’s surname, year of publication and the page number: (Barbé, 2006: 32) or (Krastev et al., 2010: 108). Only references cited in the text should be included.
Use letters (a, b, c, etc) to differentiate works by the same author from the same year (Barbé, 2001a).
Use “et al.” to cite within the text a work produced by more than two authors.
All bibliographical references must be accompanied by their corresponding DOI (where available).
a) Books
Krastev, Iván; Leonard, Mark and Wilson, Andrew (eds.) ¿Qué piensa Rusia? Barcelona: CIDOB, 2010
b) Chapters of books
Polyakov, Leónid. “Un autorretrato ideológico del régimen ruso”, in: Krastev, Iván; Leonard, Mark and Wilson, Andrew (eds.) ¿Qué piensa Rusia? Barcelona: CIDOB, 2010, pp. 37–42.
c) Articles from serial publications (journals, newspapers, collections)
Giordano, Verónica and Rodríguez, Gina Paola. “Las mujeres de las derechas latinoamericanas del siglo xxi”. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, no. 126 (December 2020), pp. 215-237. DOI: (online) [accessed: 12 January 2021]
d) Online publications
Alvarado, David. “Mohamed VI, año X: Mito y realidad de la transición marroquí”. Notes Internacionals CIDOB, no. 7 (October 2009), p. 6 (online) [accessed: 12 October 2010]
e) Official documents
United Nations General Assembly. “Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: Report of the Secretary-General”. A/63/332 (26 August 2008) (online) [accessed: 11 November 2016]
OAS-Organization of American States. “Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women ‘Convention of Belém do Para’”, 9 June 1994 (online) [accessed: 19 May 2015]
f) Unpublished theses
Dias Nunes, Camila. Da pulverização ao monopólio da violência: expansão e consolidação do Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) no sistema carcerário paulista. Doctoral thesis in Sociology, University of São Paulo, 2011.
g) Citing social media platforms and forums
State the platform, username and date of publication.
Example: Available at: Twitter, @username [accessed: date]
h )Citing software and databases
We recommend including the program name, version and download source.
Processing of personal data
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