Spain and the EU- Latinamerica and the Caribbean Summit

Publication date: 11/2001
Anna Ayuso (coord.)
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 Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 54-55

ISSN: 1133-6595

230 pp.

Publication content

>> Complete text of the articles in the Spanish version.
>> Consult the English abstracts of all of the articles in this publication  

Spanish reasons for the success of a strategic alliance between the EU and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean
Alberto Carnero Fernández

The European Union’s economic relations with Latin America in the wake of the first intergovernmental conference: agenda and priorities
Alberto Antón Cortés

Economic relations between Latin America and the European Union
José Antonio Ocampo and María Ángela Parra

Civic organizations and academics in European Union-Latin American relations
Christian Freres

España en las relaciones UE-América Latina. Europa y España en la reconstrucción de Centroamérica
Rafael Grasa

European Union cooperation for development in Latin America Spanish action in light of a dark past and an uncertain future
Anna Ayuso Pozo

Unfulfilled promise? A critical balance of theories of political change and their applicability to Latin America
Salvador Martí i Puig

Mercosur’s external relations
Manuel Cienfuegos Mateo

Understandings and misunderstandings in Brazil’s relations with the European Economic Community (1957-2000)
Bruno Ayllón Pino

Relations between Canada and the EU in the context of the new regionalism
Josep Ibáñez Muñoz

The Colombia Plan: a model for intervention?
Juan Gabriel Tokatlian