Número especial sobre América Latina, la CE y España

Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals 23-24
Publication date: 12/1992
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Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 23-24

Número especial sobre América Latina, la CE y España

ISSN: 1133-6595 (print edition)
ISSN: 2013-035X (online edition)

Publication content

>> Complete text of the articles in the Spanish vesion
>> Consult the English abstracts of all the articles in this publication


Determining Factors of Spanish Foreig Policy towards Latin America (1976-91)
Dr. J. Piñol Rull

Uruguay Revives its Relations with the European Community (1988-1991)
Rafael de Juan y Peñalosa

Spanish-Venezuelan. Cooperation and Economic Relations: Recent Evolution and Prospects
Jordi Rosell and Lourdes Viladomiu

Fiction's Credibility: EC Cooperation Agreements with the Andean Group and Central America Countries
Albert Galinsoga Jordà

EC-Bolivian Economic and Trade Relations
Fernando Núñez

Lights and Shades in the EC-Argentinian Relations
Diego A. Laporte Galli

Modifications of the Foreign Investments Legal System in Colombia
Cristina Vargas Guzmán

Spanish Cooperation with Central America
Mª Angels Miralpeix i Güell

Mexican-EC Relations
Pilar Alonso

Political Influence and Economic Power in the Mass Media: the Colombian Radio Networks
Fabio Alberto Gil Bolívar

Latin American Integration: Yesterday, Today and Perhaps Tomorrow
Flavio Alves Soares

Brazil and the EC in the EC-Latin American Relations Framework
Teresa Blanco Garriga

Institutional Relations between the Catalonian Autonomous Community
Aina Villalonga Vadell

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