NGOs and small states in the establishing and consolidation of the ICC

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_101
Publication date: 04/2013
Juli Minoves-Triquell
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Both NGOs and small states were vital for the establishing and consolidation of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and their joint efforts brought much more success than they could have obtained working separately. The case of Andorra illustrates how the interests of small democratic states that are members of the Group of Like-Minded States agreed with those of the NGO Coalition to promote an International Criminal Court and how, through the sovereign capacity of the small states and the experiences of the NGOs, several successful models emerged in the framework of the Rome Conference to draft and adopt the ICC Statute. The shortcomings with respect to responsibility of the NGOs that wish to represent international civil society can be overcome by cooperation with small states that share the same objectives.

Key words: ICC, NGO, small states, Andorra

The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language.