Multiple transnational household arrangements in the city of Cochabamba

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_106-107
Publication date: 09/2014
Carmen Ledo García
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Evidence shows that over the last 15 years Bolivia and Cochabamba have experienced increased migration flows and that international emigration has become an important strategy for many households. The purpose of this article is to show intrafamily solidarity, as well as how households respond to an absent parent in the Cochabamba urban area. The simultaneous interaction of six analytic dimensions is analysed: the socio-economic situation in the country of origin; the characteristics of migrants in the host country; maternal/ paternal communication from a distance; the role of remittances; and political participation and role changes within the family remaining in the country of origin. The procedure of generalized canonical correlation analysis (GCCA) allows us to demonstrate the multiple transnational maternity/paternity arrangements and the solidarity of the family networks in Cochabamba. 

Key words: Bolivia, Cochabamba, migrants, transnational maternity/paternity, canonical correlation

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