List of publications Find all CIDOB's publications. Serie of publications Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals Notes Internacionals CIDOB Opinion CIDOB Monografías CIDOB CIDOB Report CIDOB Briefings Anuario Internacional CIDOB Documents CIDOB Project papers FEUTURE BRIDGES DigiDem-EU DIGNITYFIRM Foro Europa Cuba /Jean Monet Network InvigoratEU JOINT MENARA Papers NIEM REGROUP SHAPEDEM-EU WHOLE-COMM Publications archive Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigracion Anuario del Mediterráneo Dossiers DCIDOB Interrogar la actualidad Expert Agnieszka Nimark Alexandra Vidal Andrea G. Rodríguez Andrey Makarychev Anna Ayuso Pozo Antoni Segura i Mas Blanca Garcés Mascareñas Carlos Delclós Carme Colomina Saló Carmen Claudín Diego Muro Eckart Woertz Eduard Soler i Lecha Eloi Serrano i Robles Eran Fraenkel Francesc Fàbregues Francesco Pasetti Francis Ghilès Gabriel Reyes Leguen Héctor Sánchez Margalef Inés Arco Escriche Javier Borràs Arumí John Slocum Jordi Bacaria Colom Jordi Moreras Jordi Vaquer i Fanés Josep Mª Lloveras Soler Juan Garrigues Julien Barnes-Dacey Laia Tarragona Malaiz Daud Marta Galceran Vercher Martin Lemberg-Pedersen Matteo Garavoglia Moussa Bourekba Oriol Farrés Oscar Mateos Martín Oscar Monterde Patricia García-durán Huet Pere Vilanova Pol Bargués Pol Morillas Rafael Grasa Hernández Rafael Martínez Ricardo Martinez Salvador Martí i Puig Samuele Carlo Abrami Sergio Maydeu Olivares Seán Golden Susanne Gratius Umut Oezkirimli Víctor Burguete Yolanda Onghena Duyvewaerdt Geographical lines Europe The greater Mediterranean Latin America and the Atlantic space Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa Thematic lines CIDOB Dinámicas interculturales Global geopolitics and security Migrations Global cities and metropolises Sustainable development Reset Filters Monografías CIDOB Oct 10 2017 Nueva etapa entre Cuba y la UE. Escenarios de futuro Anna Ayuso, investigadora sénior y Susanne Gratius, investigadora sénior asociada, CIDOB (Eds.) Monografías CIDOB Sep 15 2017 Visiones del desarrollo en América Latina José Luís Machinea y Narcís Serra [ed.] Monografías CIDOB Sep 14 2017 Resilient Cities. Countering Violent Extremism at Local Level Diego Muro (ed.) Monografías CIDOB Mar 01 2017 Acercar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a la ciudadanía: El compromiso de Europa con la Agenda 2030 José Antonio Alonso, Catedrático de Economía Aplicada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Anna Ayuso, investigadora sénior, CIDOB Monografías CIDOB Jan 31 2017 Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration Pol Morillas (ed.) Monografías CIDOB Dec 14 2016 War & Health. Defining the Protection of Health in War Zones Pol Morillas and Rafael Vilasanjuan (eds.) Monografías CIDOB Nov 10 2016 Different Glances at EU Trade Policy Patricia Garcia-Duran and Montserrat Millet (coords.) Monografías CIDOB Oct 25 2016 US Presidential Election. What Scenarios for the World after Obama? Eckart Woertz (coord.) Monografías CIDOB Oct 10 2016 Wise Cities. A New Paradigm for Urban Resilience, Sustainability and Well-Being Josep M. Coll (coord.) Monografías CIDOB Oct 03 2016 “TELLING THE STORY”. Sources of Tension in Afghanistan & Pakistan: A Regional Perspective (2011-2016) Emma Hooper (ed.) Monografías CIDOB Jul 18 2016 Olympics and Cities: Opportunities, Ambitions and Failures Eckart Woertz, Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB (coord.) Monografías CIDOB May 24 2016 Greece and the EU. Lessons from a Long-lasting Crisis Pol Morillas and Thanos Dokos (eds.) Monografías CIDOB Apr 08 2016 Atlantic Future Shaping a New Hemisphere for the 21st Century: Africa, Europe and the Americas Jordi Bacaria and Laia Tarragona (eds.) Monografías CIDOB Feb 16 2016 The Role of Metropolitan Areas in the Governance of Development Challenges: Towards the European Urban Agenda CIDOB and European Metropolitan Authorities Monografías CIDOB Nov 30 2015 Europe and the Refugee Crisis: 10 side-effects Pol Morillas, Elena Sánchez-Montijano and Eduard Soler (coords.) Monografías CIDOB Nov 27 2015 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Negotiations between the EU and the USA Sangeeta Khorana (ed.) Monografías CIDOB Oct 02 2015 Europe Behind (mis)Understandings Yolanda Onghena and Isabel Verdet Peris (coords.) Monografías CIDOB Sep 23 2015 Scenarios of Macro-economic Development for Catalonia on Horizon 2030. Research Team: Rym Ayadi, Leonidas Paroussos, Kostas Fragkiadakis, Stella Tsani, Pantelis Capros, Carlo Sessa, Riccardo Enei i Marc Gafarot Monografías CIDOB Sep 02 2015 Half-baked, the Other Side of Egypt’s Baladi Bread Subsidy Oday Kamal, University of Oxford Monografías CIDOB Jun 16 2015 En tránsito: voces, acciones y reacciones Isabel Verdet, asistente de investigación y Yolanda Onghena, investigadora sénior, CIDOB (coord.) Monografías CIDOB May 07 2015 Redesigning European Monetary Union governance in Light of the Eurozone Crisis VV.AA Pagination First Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 … Next Last
Monografías CIDOB Oct 10 2017 Nueva etapa entre Cuba y la UE. Escenarios de futuro Anna Ayuso, investigadora sénior y Susanne Gratius, investigadora sénior asociada, CIDOB (Eds.)
Monografías CIDOB Sep 15 2017 Visiones del desarrollo en América Latina José Luís Machinea y Narcís Serra [ed.]
Monografías CIDOB Sep 14 2017 Resilient Cities. Countering Violent Extremism at Local Level Diego Muro (ed.)
Monografías CIDOB Mar 01 2017 Acercar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a la ciudadanía: El compromiso de Europa con la Agenda 2030 José Antonio Alonso, Catedrático de Economía Aplicada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Anna Ayuso, investigadora sénior, CIDOB
Monografías CIDOB Jan 31 2017 Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration Pol Morillas (ed.)
Monografías CIDOB Dec 14 2016 War & Health. Defining the Protection of Health in War Zones Pol Morillas and Rafael Vilasanjuan (eds.)
Monografías CIDOB Nov 10 2016 Different Glances at EU Trade Policy Patricia Garcia-Duran and Montserrat Millet (coords.)
Monografías CIDOB Oct 25 2016 US Presidential Election. What Scenarios for the World after Obama? Eckart Woertz (coord.)
Monografías CIDOB Oct 10 2016 Wise Cities. A New Paradigm for Urban Resilience, Sustainability and Well-Being Josep M. Coll (coord.)
Monografías CIDOB Oct 03 2016 “TELLING THE STORY”. Sources of Tension in Afghanistan & Pakistan: A Regional Perspective (2011-2016) Emma Hooper (ed.)
Monografías CIDOB Jul 18 2016 Olympics and Cities: Opportunities, Ambitions and Failures Eckart Woertz, Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB (coord.)
Monografías CIDOB May 24 2016 Greece and the EU. Lessons from a Long-lasting Crisis Pol Morillas and Thanos Dokos (eds.)
Monografías CIDOB Apr 08 2016 Atlantic Future Shaping a New Hemisphere for the 21st Century: Africa, Europe and the Americas Jordi Bacaria and Laia Tarragona (eds.)
Monografías CIDOB Feb 16 2016 The Role of Metropolitan Areas in the Governance of Development Challenges: Towards the European Urban Agenda CIDOB and European Metropolitan Authorities
Monografías CIDOB Nov 30 2015 Europe and the Refugee Crisis: 10 side-effects Pol Morillas, Elena Sánchez-Montijano and Eduard Soler (coords.)
Monografías CIDOB Nov 27 2015 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Negotiations between the EU and the USA Sangeeta Khorana (ed.)
Monografías CIDOB Oct 02 2015 Europe Behind (mis)Understandings Yolanda Onghena and Isabel Verdet Peris (coords.)
Monografías CIDOB Sep 23 2015 Scenarios of Macro-economic Development for Catalonia on Horizon 2030. Research Team: Rym Ayadi, Leonidas Paroussos, Kostas Fragkiadakis, Stella Tsani, Pantelis Capros, Carlo Sessa, Riccardo Enei i Marc Gafarot
Monografías CIDOB Sep 02 2015 Half-baked, the Other Side of Egypt’s Baladi Bread Subsidy Oday Kamal, University of Oxford
Monografías CIDOB Jun 16 2015 En tránsito: voces, acciones y reacciones Isabel Verdet, asistente de investigación y Yolanda Onghena, investigadora sénior, CIDOB (coord.)
Monografías CIDOB May 07 2015 Redesigning European Monetary Union governance in Light of the Eurozone Crisis VV.AA