List of publications Find all CIDOB's publications. Serie of publications Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals Notes Internacionals CIDOB Opinion CIDOB Monografías CIDOB CIDOB Report CIDOB Briefings Anuario Internacional CIDOB Documents CIDOB Project papers FEUTURE BRIDGES DigiDem-EU DIGNITYFIRM Foro Europa Cuba /Jean Monet Network InvigoratEU JOINT MENARA Papers NIEM REGROUP SHAPEDEM-EU WHOLE-COMM Publications archive Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigracion Anuario del Mediterráneo Dossiers DCIDOB Interrogar la actualidad Expert Agnieszka Nimark Alexandra Vidal Andrea G. Rodríguez Andrey Makarychev Anna Ayuso Pozo Antoni Segura i Mas Blanca Garcés Mascareñas Carlos Delclós Carme Colomina Saló Carmen Claudín Diego Muro Eckart Woertz Eduard Soler i Lecha Eloi Serrano i Robles Eran Fraenkel Francesc Fàbregues Francesco Pasetti Francis Ghilès Gabriel Reyes Leguen Héctor Sánchez Margalef Inés Arco Escriche Javier Borràs Arumí John Slocum Jordi Bacaria Colom Jordi Moreras Jordi Vaquer i Fanés Josep Mª Lloveras Soler Juan Garrigues Julien Barnes-Dacey Laia Tarragona Malaiz Daud Marta Galceran Vercher Martin Lemberg-Pedersen Matteo Garavoglia Moussa Bourekba Oriol Farrés Oscar Mateos Martín Oscar Monterde Patricia García-durán Huet Pere Vilanova Pol Bargués Pol Morillas Rafael Grasa Hernández Rafael Martínez Ricardo Martinez Salvador Martí i Puig Samuele Carlo Abrami Sergio Maydeu Olivares Seán Golden Susanne Gratius Umut Oezkirimli Víctor Burguete Yolanda Onghena Duyvewaerdt Geographical lines Europe The greater Mediterranean Latin America and the Atlantic space Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa Thematic lines CIDOB Dinámicas interculturales Global geopolitics and security Migrations Global cities and metropolises Sustainable development Reset Filters CIDOB Briefings Dec 12 2022 How can the European Union achieve digital strategic autonomy? Views from future leaders Inés Arco Escriche, Researcher, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Nov 02 2022 Boosting Euro-Mediterranean urban climate action Ricardo Martinez, Senior Research Fellow, Global Cities Programme, CIDOB and Alicia Perez-Porro, Scientific Coordinator, CREAF CIDOB Briefings Oct 24 2022 La Conferència sobre el Futur d’Europa: una visió des de Barcelona Héctor Sánchez Margalef, investigador, CIDOB i Lilia El Karoui, assistent d’investigació, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Apr 20 2022 América Latina en el escenario pospandemia: reactivación y financiación de la Agenda 2030 Anna Ayuso, investigadora senior, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Mar 29 2022 War and Peace in the 21st Century. A New Era of Geopolitics in Europe: How Can the EU Secure a New Peace in Ukraine? Pol Morillas, Director, CIDOB and Francesca Leso, Research Assistant, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Jan 18 2022 MIPEX-R: la gobernanza de la integración en seis regiones españolas Francesco Pasetti y Carlota Cumella de Montserrat, investigadores, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Dec 09 2021 Towards a just urban transition in Europe: The case of post-pandemic city centre recovery Eva Garcia Chueca, Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB; Mireia López Álvarez, Researcher and Professor, UPF and Francesc Teodoro, MSc Candidate en Conflict Studies, LSE, Fundación “la Caixa” Fellow CIDOB Briefings Dec 01 2021 Understanding the Value Proposition of City Networks: Towards a Framework for Measuring Impact Marta Galceran-Vercher, Agustí Fernández de Losada and Octavi de la Varga CIDOB Briefings Nov 18 2021 Bridging Green and Digital Agendas in Cities to Drive More Ambitious and Inclusive Transitions Hannah Abdullah, Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Nov 02 2021 AI ethics in policy and action: city governance of algorithmic decision systems Andrea G. Rodríguez, Researcher, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Oct 29 2021 From Storytelling to Action: Visions and Proposals from European Citizens Carme Colomina, Research Fellow, CIDOB and Héctor Sánchez Margalef, Researcher, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Oct 14 2021 International trade and economic resilience strategies: a view from Barcelona Patricia García-Durán Huet, Associate Professor of International Economic Organization at the UB; Associate Researcher, CIDOB and Marc Ibáñez Díaz, MA in Global Affairs, Yale University; Research Assistant, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Sep 20 2021 From market good to social right? Shifting approaches to housing in Europe Carlos Delclós Postdoctoral researcher, Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques (IGOP-UAB), Associate Researcher, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Sep 13 2021 Regulation of tourist rental platforms and post-pandemic strategies to reintroduce tourist apartments into the housing market Mariona Segú, Researcher at the Institut National d’Études Demographiques (Ined), France and Carles Mascarell, Political scientist, former advisor to the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) CIDOB Briefings Apr 28 2021 Unaccompanied Young Migrants Outside Reception Systems: A Diagnosis of the Case of Barcelona Neus Arnal, Social educator and researcher & Blanca Garcés Mascareñas, senior research fellow, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Mar 12 2021 MIPEX 2020 y las políticas de integración migrante en América Latina Francesco Pasetti y Carlota Cumella de Montserrat, investigadores, CIDOB (et al.) CIDOB Briefings Feb 16 2021 Precarietat i exclusió residencial en la població migrada en temps de Covid-19 Olatz Ribera-Almandoz, investigadora associada, CIDOB, Albert Sales Campos, investigador, IERMB i Blanca Garcés Mascareñas, investigadora sènior, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Sep 25 2020 Polarización y diálogo en las sociedades democráticas Kristian Herbolzheimer, director, ICIP; Pol Morillas, director, CIDOB y Héctor Sánchez Margalef, investigador, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Jul 16 2020 Building a Euro-Mediterranean partnership with, not for, cities Sylvia I. Bergh, Associate Professor in Development Management and Governance, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam CIDOB Briefings Mar 23 2020 Pilar Europeo de Derechos Sociales. El papel de las áreas metropolitanas europeas en materia social Eva Garcia-Chueca, investigadora sénior del programa Ciudades Globales y Agustí Fernández de Losada, investigador sénior y director del programa Ciudades Globales, CIDOB CIDOB Briefings Jan 22 2020 CIDOB Briefings 'War and Peace in the 21st Century 2020: A World of Two or Three? The US, China and the EU in a New Global Order' Pol Morillas, Director, CIDOB and Oriol José Ochoa, Research Assistant, CIDOB Pagination First Previous Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Next Last
CIDOB Briefings Dec 12 2022 How can the European Union achieve digital strategic autonomy? Views from future leaders Inés Arco Escriche, Researcher, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Nov 02 2022 Boosting Euro-Mediterranean urban climate action Ricardo Martinez, Senior Research Fellow, Global Cities Programme, CIDOB and Alicia Perez-Porro, Scientific Coordinator, CREAF
CIDOB Briefings Oct 24 2022 La Conferència sobre el Futur d’Europa: una visió des de Barcelona Héctor Sánchez Margalef, investigador, CIDOB i Lilia El Karoui, assistent d’investigació, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Apr 20 2022 América Latina en el escenario pospandemia: reactivación y financiación de la Agenda 2030 Anna Ayuso, investigadora senior, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Mar 29 2022 War and Peace in the 21st Century. A New Era of Geopolitics in Europe: How Can the EU Secure a New Peace in Ukraine? Pol Morillas, Director, CIDOB and Francesca Leso, Research Assistant, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Jan 18 2022 MIPEX-R: la gobernanza de la integración en seis regiones españolas Francesco Pasetti y Carlota Cumella de Montserrat, investigadores, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Dec 09 2021 Towards a just urban transition in Europe: The case of post-pandemic city centre recovery Eva Garcia Chueca, Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB; Mireia López Álvarez, Researcher and Professor, UPF and Francesc Teodoro, MSc Candidate en Conflict Studies, LSE, Fundación “la Caixa” Fellow
CIDOB Briefings Dec 01 2021 Understanding the Value Proposition of City Networks: Towards a Framework for Measuring Impact Marta Galceran-Vercher, Agustí Fernández de Losada and Octavi de la Varga
CIDOB Briefings Nov 18 2021 Bridging Green and Digital Agendas in Cities to Drive More Ambitious and Inclusive Transitions Hannah Abdullah, Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Nov 02 2021 AI ethics in policy and action: city governance of algorithmic decision systems Andrea G. Rodríguez, Researcher, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Oct 29 2021 From Storytelling to Action: Visions and Proposals from European Citizens Carme Colomina, Research Fellow, CIDOB and Héctor Sánchez Margalef, Researcher, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Oct 14 2021 International trade and economic resilience strategies: a view from Barcelona Patricia García-Durán Huet, Associate Professor of International Economic Organization at the UB; Associate Researcher, CIDOB and Marc Ibáñez Díaz, MA in Global Affairs, Yale University; Research Assistant, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Sep 20 2021 From market good to social right? Shifting approaches to housing in Europe Carlos Delclós Postdoctoral researcher, Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques (IGOP-UAB), Associate Researcher, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Sep 13 2021 Regulation of tourist rental platforms and post-pandemic strategies to reintroduce tourist apartments into the housing market Mariona Segú, Researcher at the Institut National d’Études Demographiques (Ined), France and Carles Mascarell, Political scientist, former advisor to the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)
CIDOB Briefings Apr 28 2021 Unaccompanied Young Migrants Outside Reception Systems: A Diagnosis of the Case of Barcelona Neus Arnal, Social educator and researcher & Blanca Garcés Mascareñas, senior research fellow, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Mar 12 2021 MIPEX 2020 y las políticas de integración migrante en América Latina Francesco Pasetti y Carlota Cumella de Montserrat, investigadores, CIDOB (et al.)
CIDOB Briefings Feb 16 2021 Precarietat i exclusió residencial en la població migrada en temps de Covid-19 Olatz Ribera-Almandoz, investigadora associada, CIDOB, Albert Sales Campos, investigador, IERMB i Blanca Garcés Mascareñas, investigadora sènior, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Sep 25 2020 Polarización y diálogo en las sociedades democráticas Kristian Herbolzheimer, director, ICIP; Pol Morillas, director, CIDOB y Héctor Sánchez Margalef, investigador, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Jul 16 2020 Building a Euro-Mediterranean partnership with, not for, cities Sylvia I. Bergh, Associate Professor in Development Management and Governance, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam
CIDOB Briefings Mar 23 2020 Pilar Europeo de Derechos Sociales. El papel de las áreas metropolitanas europeas en materia social Eva Garcia-Chueca, investigadora sénior del programa Ciudades Globales y Agustí Fernández de Losada, investigador sénior y director del programa Ciudades Globales, CIDOB
CIDOB Briefings Jan 22 2020 CIDOB Briefings 'War and Peace in the 21st Century 2020: A World of Two or Three? The US, China and the EU in a New Global Order' Pol Morillas, Director, CIDOB and Oriol José Ochoa, Research Assistant, CIDOB