La exclusión del islam político en Argelia Implicaciones y consecuencias de la inacabada construcción del Estado

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_93-94
Publication date: 04/2011
Rosa Meneses
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Almost 20 years on from the civil war in Algeria, the Islamist leaders of the illegalised Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) are still struggling to be integrated into the political scenario. The amnesty and harmony laws introduced by President Abdelaziz Buteflika have not achieved the desired national reconciliation. A large part of the social elite are unable to exert their political rights, but they dream of creating, once again, a true party with a religious vocation. At the bottom of the issue lies the very construction of the state, a process that is still unfinished since the National Liberation Front (FLN) and its military wing appropriated power after independence, ignoring and excluding society. The use of violence is still present and the old unresolved conflicts represent a danger for the fragile balance maintained by the regime.

Key words: Algeria, Islam, political, democracy, integration

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