Introduction: the singularity of lethal violence in Latin America

Latin America’s homicides reveal a dramatic scenario: not only because it is the region with the highest incidence of homicides in the world, but also because the negative developments of recent years mean the gap with other continents continues to grow. The singularity of this “Latin American problem” also influences the profiles of the victims, and the means and the motives of the violence, which differ to some degree from other regions. This article seeks to provide an overview of the region’s homicides and presents the main explanatory models used to explain this phenomenon, as well as the policies implemented to prevent it over recent years. Finally, the article introduces this monographic issue and provides a summary for each article contained within it, hoping to make a contribution to fostering reflection on the lethal violence in Latin America and the participation of all sectors in the search for solutions.
Key words: homicides, Latin America, prevention, lethal violence
>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language