Interculturality and trust

Publication date: 06/2003
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Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 61-62

Interculturalidad y Confianza

187 pág. / Edición: Castellano / Francés

ISSN: 1133-6595

>> Complete text of the articles in the Spanish and French version

>> Consult the English abstracts of all the articles in this publication here

For a civilisation of trust 

Burhan Ghalioun


Where is trust heading?

 Edgard Weber


Trust in the judicial systems of Islam and the West 

 Abdallah Gabsi


Beyond empathy, cultivating trust: keys for intercultural reunion 

Gérard Marandon


Trust and the change in the migration paradigm 

Noureddine Affaya


Trust and diversity: a perspective of organisation 

Ghislain Verstraete


 Crisis in trust through the contemporary Lebanese novel 

Naoum Abi-Rached


Trust in media information 

Miquel Rodrigo


On the impossibility of educating trust 

 Francesc Carbonell


Trust and liberated time: active practices in intercultural education

Pierre Étienne Vanpouille