Immigrant population career paths (2007-2014)

Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2015-2016 (nueva época)
Publication date: 12/2016
Pedro López-Roldán, profesor titular, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) y Miroslava Kostova Karaboytcheva, profesora visitante, Universidad de Alicante
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This paper analyzes the career paths of people of immigrant origin in the 2007-2014 period of economic crisis in order to describe the main changes that have taken place and determine the extent to which foreign workers have managed to progress in the labour market or whether their career paths have been defined by blockages and setbacks. The evolution of immigrant career paths is analysed and they are compared with those of the native population. The main source of statistical information used is the Continuous Sample of Working Lives produced by the Spanish Social Security Agency. The greater negative impact of the crisis on the immigrant population than the native stands out among the conclusions: lower employment levels, more job instability, increased sectoral and territorial mobility, greater loss of income and downward occupational mobility.

Key word: Immigration, labour trajectories, labour market, economic crisis, Spain

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