Europeans and US nationals in Northern Andean Patagonia: new experiences

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_106-107
Publication date: 09/2014
Brenda Matossian, Ieva Zebryte and Hugo Marcelo Zunino Edelsberg
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 The financial crisis has produced a relatively new type of mobility from northern countries towards Latin America. This article discusses the integration of migrants of European and US origin into Northern Andean Patagonia, a tourism-oriented area of outstanding natural beauty. The use of statistical data and qualitative-interpretative instruments shows that this migration has gained importance within the framework of «dissatisfaction-driven migration», as opposed to «deficiency-driven migration». The territorial expression of the phenomenon is not homogeneous within the region. However, the emergence of new socio-territorial and cultural processes merits analysis.

Key words: international migration, crisis, tourism, social transformations

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