Cities and Development in Latin America

Publication date: 10/1999
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 Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 47

Cities and Development in Latin America / Pp. 209

ISSN: 1133-6595

Publication content

>> Complete text of the articles in the Spanish version.
>> Consult the English abstracts of all of the articles in this publication 

Jaques Jobin. Michael Parkes

Economic Promotion of the Territory and Local Development

Municipal Governments and Development in Latin America
Catalina Victory

City Hall and Territorial Development
Carlos Borras

Economic Promotion of the Territory and Local Development
Mario Rosales


City and Technological Innovation

Municipal Protagonism in Local Development: the Technological Park of Andalucía
Venancio Gutiérrez

City and Technological Innovation
Manuel de Forn

From the Traditional City to the Innovative City
Miguel Lifschitz


Governability and Citizen Participation

Decentralization and Participation: the Montevidian Experience
María del Rosario Revello

Governability and Citizen Participation
Giancarla de Quiroga


Balance of Seminar
Jorge Salinas


Bibliographical Selection from CIDOB's Database on Cities and Development in Latin America