China and the search for autonomous regional governance in Latin America

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_119
Publication date: 09/2018
Thomas Legler, Mariano Turzi and Eduardo Tzili-Apango
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 This article examines whether China’s growing role in Latin America has had a significant impact on the construction of autonomous regional governance. The authors propose that Chinese influence has in this sense been contradictory: on the one hand, China’s growing economic presence seems to have created advantages for the countries in the region to reduce their dependence on the United States; while on the other, China seems to have no ideological or political preferences when it comes to choosing its partners in Latin America. Multilaterally, it maintains relations with both inter-American and Latin American organisations. Bilaterally, its strategic partners include liberal and anti-liberal governments. Hence, there is little evidence that China actively supports the fight for regional political autonomy.

Keywords: Latin America, China, United States, autonomy, regional governance, regionalism


>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language