Atlantic communities: asymmetries and convergences

Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_102-103
Publication date: 09/2013
Dorval Brunelle
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The article sets out to explore the idea that we are witnessing the emergence of a host of initiatives on both sides of the Atlantic, in the North as well as in the South, and that these Atlantic communities could eventually converge toward the formation of a fully-fledged Atlantic community, an objective quite different in scope and depth to the one that was set up under the same name following the Second World War, and which has lasted to this day. The presentation tackles both sides of the issue. Firstly, what explanations can be given for the longevity and exclusiveness of the existing Atlantic community? Secondly, where are the new initiatives coming from, and how could they be bound together in order to foster the emergence of an extended and inclusive Atlantic Community? In this regard, the overall approach is decidedly constructivist.

Key words: Atlantic, Atlantic Community, North-South, cooperation, nets

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