4th International Seminar on Security and Defence in the Mediterranean

Monografia 4th International Seminar on Security and Defence in the Mediterranean_inglés
Publication date: 10/2006
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A global view of the large debates on security in the Mediterranean, with special attention given to measures of confidence, are among some of the issues that focus the content of this monograph, which brings together the presentations given in the Seminar on Security and Defence in the Mediterranean, which has been organised by the Ministry of Defence and the CIDOB Foundation since the year 2002. In the face of the latest events which have occurred in the region – terrorism, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Iraq crisis – the contributions that are annually presented in the seminar by scholars and other professionals from European Union countries, NATO partners and the countries to the south and east of the Mediterranean, aim to give impetus to the construction of a Mediterranean space of shared security, from the area of thought.

Publishers: CIDOB Foundation and Ministry of Defence

isbn: 84-87072-71-2

201 pp.


Publication content

Leopoldo Stampa and Narcís Serra

10th anniversary of the Barcelona conference: achievements and challeges in the security chapter

Democratic Security Ten Years on
Álvaro de Vasconcelos

CFSP & ESDP from a Mediterranean perspective

Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) from a mediterranean perspective
Rolando Mosca Moschini

NATO Mediterranean dialogue: analysis and outlooks after the Istanbul summit
Towards an Improvement of the Civilian-Military
Synergy Pablo de Benavides Orgaz

A Vision from the NATO
Jamie Patrick Shea

Euromediterranean partnership: confidence-building measures

A British Vision about Security at the Mediterranean
Nick Kay

Confidence Building in the Eastern Mediterranean: a Turkish Perspective
Ervin Kalaycioglu

Measures of Confidence in the Mediterranean Region
Abdallah Saaf

Suggestions for Confidence-Building Measures 
Fred Tanner

New threats according to the European security strategy

New Threats According to the European Security Strategy
Giuliano Ferrari

Political and Security Co-operation: Bright Spots and Shadows of the Euromediterranean Partnership
Alicia Sorroza

Some Comments on the European Security Strategy
Noureddine Mekri

Ideas for the future of the Barcelona process in the scope of ESDP

Ideas for the Future of the Barcelona Process in the Sphere of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)
Martín Ortega


Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Mediteranean: Current Status and Prospects
Jesús A. Núñez Villaverde

I. Starting premise

II. Determining factors of WMD in the Mediterranean

III. Data analysis and examination of the Mediterranean

IV. The failure of non-proliferation diplomacy

V. Concluding Remarks

VI Bibliography, documents and references of interest

VII. Annexs

Confidence and Security-Building Measures in the Mediterranean: a Practical Proposal for the Tenth Anniversary of the Barcelona Process

Jaume Urgell

I. Preliminary remarks on war, security and confidence

II. Building confidence and security and the new threats to security

III. CSBM's and the OSCE

IV. Security and confidence in the Mediterranean region

V. CSBM's at a crossroads?

VI. Developing a CSBM's regime model for the Mediterranean

VII. Options for the Mediterranean

VIII. Note on sources

Seminar Programme