Spain’s domestic and care sector in times of COVID-19

Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2020
Publication date: 02/2021
Sònia Parella Rubio, profesora titular, Departamento de Sociología/CERMigracions, UAB
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This paper addresses the effects of Spain’s social organisation of care on immigrant women employed in the domestic and care sector in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Rights and well-being in the sector already faced growing risks and inequality. The migration–care nexus is analysed in the light of meso and macro dynamics that allow their effects and causes to be identified. Possible measures and policies are proposed for improving the situation of immigrant women employed in this sector, which is a byword for precariousness and vulnerability.

How to cite this article: Parella Rubio, Sònia. «El sector del trabajo del hogar y de cuidados en España en tiempos de COVID-19». Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2020 (enero de 2021), p. 102-114. DOI:

Keywords: Spain, immigration, gender, inequality, domestic and care work, social organisation of care

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