Representations and Interculturallity

Publication date: 10/2004

Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 66-67

A collection of works from the 6th International Seminar: Representations and Interculturality held at the CIDOB Foundation between December 2003 and March 2004. This issue of the journal includes the interventions and debates from this seminar, which was designed with the aim of reflecting on the processes of elaboration of representations and of inclusion and exclusion practices in social contexts, as well as with the aim of analysing the power of representations in the uses of production and consumption. The contributions are situated in the framework of a debate to reformulate our membership and the recognition of the co-existence of several symbolic codes for knowing how we arrive at being what we are, how we identify with certain descriptions of ourselves and how we construct the representation of others, because the current reflection on identity and citizenship must be situated in relation to different cultural frameworks that value diversity of repertoires, capable of producing meaning, rethinking forms of participation and avoiding the risks of unicity, authoritarianism and exclusion.

Articles by  Noureddine Affaya, Aicha Belarbi, Josetxo CerdánLos Arcos, Felice Dasetto, Néstor García Canclini, Burhan Ghalioun, Eloy Martín Corrales, Danilo Martuccelli, Yolanda Onghena, Rik Pinxten, Víctor Francisco Sanpedro Blanco, César San Nicolás Romera y Ghislain Verstraete

415 pp.

Edition: Spanish / French

ISSN: 1133-6595

>> Complete text of the articles in Spanish and French version