
Publication date: 12/2003

 Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 64

A collection of articles on different aspects of international order. Among other texts, it includes an analysis of how the fight against international terrorism as a new organising principle for the United States’ foreign and security policy has conditioned that country’s conception of and strategy for combatting nuclear arms proliferation. In this sense, it also contains a reflection on the difficulty of reaching a consensus in the area of hemispheric security and defence; a review of the evolution that the relationship between the United States and Israel has undergone, from that of a Cold War alliance to a present-day symbiosis; a view of the Caspian Sea as one of the post-Soviet scenes of greatest interest to international public opinion; an analysis of the historical, political and social context of Cambodia, focusing especially on different economic, trade and cooperation agreements between the European Union and this Southeast Asian country; an article on the pharmaceutical industry, patents, and access to medicines in the South; and a critical assessment of current sources used in research in the area of international relations.

pp. 240

ISSN: 1133-6595

>> Complete text of the articles in the Spanish version.