Growth of the collaborative economy: What Cuba can learn from other Ibero-American experiences

Monografia CIDOB 78
Publication date: 10/2020
Cipriano Quirós, Keynor Ruiz-Mejías, Sandra Madiedo, Roberto F. Erazo and Luis M. Barboza
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This chapter addresses various aspects of the collaborative economy (CE). Firstly, given its novelty and the plurality of visions that have emerged in recent years, particular attention is given to the definition and delimitation of these activities. Secondly, the determinants of the use of these platforms in Spain are analysed. Despite the major differences between the two societies, Spain’s results may serve to identify the factors that could stimulate and inhibit the establishment of the CE in Cuba. Thirdly, seeking to assist the design of the regulation of these activities in Cuba, the situation of CE platforms is presented in two Latin American countries, Ecuador and Costa Rica, where they arrived earlier. Fourth, digital passenger transport platforms in Cuba are analysed which, although at the early stages of development, compete with one another. Analysing all these aspects allows a general reflection to be made on the CE in Cuba: its delayed expansion gives
the chance to learn from other experiences and to regulate in advance. This may slow the growth of new CE services, but it would forestall some of the problems seen in other countries.

Authors: Cipriano Quirós, Universidad Complutense de Madrid - ICEI, Keynor Ruiz-Mejías, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica - CINPE, Sandra Madiedo, Todostartup, Roberto F. Erazo, Universidad Nacional de Loja y Luis M.Barboza Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica - CINPE