Andrey Makarychev

Dr. Andrey Makarychev is Professor of Government and Politics at the University of Tartu, Estonia, and Associate Senior Researcher at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs). His areas of expertise are Russia - EU relations, post-Soviet countries, mega-events in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, and issues of biopolitics. His record of previous institutional affiliations includes George Mason University (Fairfax, VA), Center for Conflict Studies (ETH, Zurich), Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS), and Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University. He is a co-editor of a book “Changing Political and Economic Regimes in Russia” (Routledge, 2013), an author of numerous articles published by Global Governance, International Spectator, European Regional and Urban Studies, Problems of Post-Communism, Demokratizatsiya, Journal of International Relations and Development, Cooperation and Conflict, Europe-Asia Studies, Journal of Eurasian Studies, Turkish Foreign Policy Review, Welttrends and other international journals, as well as book chapters in edited volumes published by Ashgate, Palgrave Macmillan, Nomos, etc.

External publications

- Natalia Gronskaya, Andrey Makarychev. Russia’s Olympic Discourses: a politico-Linguistic Analysis, Problems of Post-Communism, January-February 2014

- Andrey Makarychev, Alexander Sergunin. The EU, Russia and Models of International Society in a Wider Europe, Journal of Contemporary European Research, vol. 9, N 2, 2013

- Nicole Bode, Andrey Makarychev. The New Social Media in Russia: Political Blogging by the Government and the Opposition, Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 60, N 2, March-April 2013

- Andrey Makarychev. Inside Russia’s Foreign Policy Theorizing: a Conceptual Conundrum, Debatte, N 21 (2-3), 2013

- Andrey Makarychev, Alexander Sergunin. Russian Military Reform: Institutional, Political and Security Implications, Defense and Security Analysis, N 29 (4), 2013

- Andrey Makarychev. The Culture of Protest: Counter-hegemonic Performances in Putin’s Russia, Russian Review, N 72 (4), 2013

- Andrey Makarychev, Viacheslav Morozov. Is ‘non-western’ theory possible? The trap of epistemological relativism in Russian IR, International Studies Review, N 15 (3), 2013.