XIII Dialogue CIDOB – SWP – FES: “Germany and Spain: a new European policy?”
13th edition of the CIDOB-SWP-FES Dialogue
Performed activity
Online event
CIDOB and SWP with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and the Madrid office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation
The think tanks CIDOB and SWP, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Government of Spain and the Madrid office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, will celebrate the 13th edition of the CIDOB-SWP-FES Dialogue to analyse and discuss the prospects for change and continuity in the relationship between Spain and Germany, their joint action in favour of European integration and their role in European foreign policy. Germany under new political leadership, struggling with the new wave of COVID, is reassessing its priorities in the European Union, which can also affect bilateral relations with Spain. In turn, both countries have common interests and objectives on European integration but do not always agree on the details. Issues such as the Conference on the Future of Europe; the EU fiscal rules; the consolidation of the Hamiltonian moment or the defence of the rule of law within the European Union are examples of shared concerns but with, sometimes, divergent interests. The CIDOB-SWP-FES dialogue will shed light on these debates by bringing together analysts and think tankers from Spain and Germany.
The event will be held under the Chatham House Rule.
- Carme Colomina, Research Fellow, CIDOB
- Matthias Jobelius, Head of the Department European Union/North America (EUN), FES
- Christos Katsioulis, Director, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Peace and Security
- Kai-Olaf Lang, Senior Fellow, SWP
- Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate, German Federal Foreign Office, Government of Germany [video]
- Stefan Mair, Director, SWP
- Ignacio Molina, Senior Analyst, Real Instituto Elcano
- Pol Morillas, Director, CIDOB
- Pascual Navarro Ríos, State Secretary for the European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Government of Spain
- Roderick Parkes, Research Director, DGAP
- Luise Rürup, Director of the Madrid Office, FES
- Héctor Sánchez Margalef, Researcher, CIDOB
- Renate Tenbusch, Director, FES EU-Office Brussels, FES
- Paweł Tokarski, Senior Associate, SWP