Call for papers by young researchers. CIDOB International Yearbook 2021

The CIDOB International Yearbook opens a call for papers for its 31st issue, to be published in 2021

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The CIDOB International Yearbook ( is an annual volume devoted to the analysis and study of international relations and politics. Published continuously since 1990, over its 30 editions the Yearbook has become a standard volume for experts and academics in international studies, and a key Spanish-language tool for analysing international dynamics, drivers of change and future challenges in international politics, security and economics. 

With the aim of giving young researchers a voice, CIDOB is launching its second Call for Papers on the Analysis of International Relations addressed to students, experts and analysts under the age of 30 in order to encourage a renewed vision of today’s international challenges. 


The articles presented should fit into one of the following thematic categories: 

  • The impact of new disruptive technologies on international politics and society, in areas such as artificial intelligence and innovation, good data governance, digital rivalry between the major international powers, the position of Europe, cyber-security and cyber-surveillance, social networks, and the geopolitics of innovation.
  • The main domestic and foreign challenges facing the EU. In this section, we will address the economic and political situation of the EU after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with pieces devoted to the economic and social recovery policies, analysis of the application of recovery funds, and the new challenges facing the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy in both broad terms and specific geographical areas.
  • We will also address the new and old geopolitics emerging from the proliferation of international actors and the internationalisation of certain geographical and thematic areas and the new spaces of rivalry and competition they are producing in fields such as health and vaccines, new sources of energy, the impacts of climate change, the control of ocean routes and resources, culture and leisure, and sport. 

Requirements of the texts submitted 

  • Papers must be original and unpublished, and should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words in length.
  • Works must include an abstract at the beginning (100 words) and a brief biographical note about the author (including date of birth).
  • The originals may be submitted in Catalan, Spanish or English. 


  • April 5th 2021: Deadline for texts to be received.
  • April 30th 2021: Authors are notified of the results of the selection process.
  • June 30th 2021: Publication of the papers selected in the 2021 edition of the CIDOB International Yearbook


  • The papers should be sent by email to: The email’s subject field should include “Call for papers for young researchers: CIDOB International Yearbook 2021”.
  • Each author may submit a maximum of two articles to this call. If this limit is exceeded, only the first two texts will be assessed. 

Selection process 

  • The editorial board of the CIDOB International Yearbook will be responsible for selecting the winning papers. The board reserves the right to declare the contest void following the evaluation process of the texts received.
  • All authors will receive confirmation of the receipt of their paper and notification of the result of the selection process. 


  • The final texts of the winning papers to be included in the CIDOB International Yearbook will be subjected to correction and editing processes to be carried out by CIDOB's editorial team.
  • The papers selected (up to a maximum of three) will be published in the Yearbook’s printed and digital editions.
  • The papers will be publicised and distributed via CIDOB’s website and social networks. 


  • Authors of the texts selected for publication will receive payment of 250 euros gross for the use of the work. 

Additional requirements 

  • Authors must be at most 30 years old on April 5th 2021.
  • The texts selected for the previous issue may be accessed via our website.