A new security architecture in Europe: the strategy of the European Union

Afers 137
Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals_137
Publication date: 09/2024
Rafa Martínez and Adolfo Calatrava García (Scientific Coordination)
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In the framework of the process of construction of European Union (EU) security and defence, and following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Issue 137 of Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals looks at how the current moment of change is impacting the continent’s institutional security architecture, as well as the distribution of power and the role its leading actors might play. It examines the institutional, social and political party obstacles that hamper the creation of a European army; the supposed benefits of the European Political Community; the EU potentially casting off its role as a small power; the political culture of defence among Europeans; and the impacts of the European defence industry on the bloc’s economic globalisation, paying particular attention to the Defence Technological and Industrial Base (DTIB).


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This issue is dedicated to our dear colleague Adolfo Calatrava, who passed away unexpectedly while we were finishing the editorial process of this monograph. His generosity and rigor will remain as his legacy. Rest in peace.

>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language