Migrations and International Relations between Asia and Spain

Publication date: 01/2005

Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, núm. 68

Prominent researchers in the field of Asian migrations and experts on international relations analyse the migratory movements between Asia and Spain and assess the influence of these dynamics in terms of foreign policy, economic connections and cultural exchange. Due to its demographic, economic and cultural specificity, this publication – which brings together the contributions presented at an international workshop held in Barcelona in September 2004 – focuses on the concrete study of the Philippine, Chinese and Pakistani communities established in Spain. Together with a close look at the migratory tendencies of these groups, it examines questions such as their social integration, the role of religion, gender issues and the appearance of transnational networks, among others. This monograph especially accentuates the importance of tying migration and international relations together in the area of priority issues, such as security, development and governance. In this sense, the analysis and debate which are presented here aim to serve to emphasise the need to involve the countries of origin and of final destination in the building of immigration policies.

Graziano Battistella (President, Scalabrini International Migration Institute, Rome), Joaquín Beltrán (Centre for International and Intercultural Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona; Asian Programme, CIDOB Foundation),  María del Mar Bermúdez (Researcher, COMPAS - University of Oxford; Sciences Po, Paris), Xiang Biao (Researcher - COMPAS, University of Oxford), Jordi Moreras (Tr[à]nsits, Consultancy firm for immigration issues), Rogelia Pe-Pua (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Natalia Ribas (Marie Curie Researcher, LAMES-CNRS, Aix-en-Provence, France), Josep Rodríguez (Lecturer in the Department of Behavioural Sciences Methodology, College of Psychology, University of Barcelona), Amelia Sáiz (Centre for International and Intercultural Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona), Nasra Shah (Professor in the Department of Community Medicine and Behavioural Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Kuwait), Montserrat Solé Aubia (Lecturer in the Barcelona University School of Social Work, University of Barcelona).

192 pp.

issn: 1133-6595 

>> Complete text of of the articles in the Spanish version