The effects of COVID-19 on immigration in Spain: economy, work and living conditions

Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2020
Publication date: 02/2021
Ramon Mahía, profesor de Economía Aplicada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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This paper succinctly examines the impact and effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the Spanish economy and labour market, with a particular focus on immigrants. The data reveal a significant negative differential effect among foreigners. The paper therefore recommends public administrations continue to work to prevent growing rootlessness and inequality.

How to cite this article: Mahía, Ramón. «Los efectos del COVID-19 sobre la inmigración en España: economía, trabajo y condiciones de vida». Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2020 (enero de 2021), p. 68-81. DOI:

Keywords: Spain, immigration, COVID-19, labour market, economy, inequality

>> The full text articles of this issue are available only in Spanish language