European Web Site on Integration

The European Web Site on Integration (EWSI) is a portal, which serves to share information and best practices of all member states of the European Union on the integration of immigrants.

Project number: EIFX/PR/1001
Duration: -
Budget: 250.800 €
European Web Site on Integration (EWSI)

EWSI aims to promote integration policies and practices, to share successful strategies and to support cooperation among all stakeholders. It is open to everyone and allows visitors to share good practices, funding opportunities and find partners for new projects. It allows viewers to stay updated on the latest news, events and publications on integration issues at the European, national and local level.

More specifically, among the information it contains there are:

  • A collection of good practices , presented in a clear and comparable manner for easy viewing
  • An online library of key documents (legislation, policy papers, conference reports, etc.)
  • News and events updated daily
  • Information on European, national and private funding opportunities
  • Links to hundreds of integration actors
  • Information sheets for each country: summary of integration policies and governance arrangements of each Member State
  • Analysis documents
  • Information exchange and networking among stakeholders through directories and interaction tools

EWSI acts as a bridge between integration practitioners and policy makers by offering high quality content from across Europe and fostering the professional community. It is a comprehensive resource for those working on integration, both NGOs and governments.  

Since its creation five years ago, CIDOB has been the country coordinator of Spain. As such, its functions include: uploading up to date information on news, events, documents, funding, links and good practice; updating the information sheet of Spain; seeking information and writing the Spanish part of the analysis documents and integration dossiers.


project coordinator:  Migration Policy Group

National Partners:

  • Beratungszentrum für Migranten and Migrantinnen
  • DiverCity
  • Multi Kulti Collective
  • Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies
  • Multicultural Centre Prague
  • Institute of Baltic Studies
  • Institute of Migration
  • Réseau Ressources pour l'Égalité des Chances et l'Intégration – RECI
  • Netzwerk Migration in Europa
  • Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy – ELIAMEP
  • Immigrant Council of Ireland
  • International and European Forum on Migration Research – FIERI
  • Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS
  • Diversity Development Group
  • Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice
  • Centre for Migration Research, University of Warsaw
  • Centre for Geographical Studies, University of Lisbon
  • Institute for Public Affairs
  • Peace Institute
  • CIDOB Foundation
  • Institute of Community Cohesion

Independent experts in: Denmark ; Hungary ; Luxembourg ; Netherlands  and  Sweden

Funded by: 

The European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals

Researchers involved in the project:

  • Anna Bardolet Dilmé
  • Elena Sánchez-Montijano
