Webinar series “Mapping Urban AI”: Holistic Strategies for Urban AI

This webinar series aims at highlighting how cities design, use, and implement Urban Artificial Intelligence. For a period of six weeks, every session will host representatives from global cities who will showcase their specific use cases and policies on how they implement urban AI.


Online event via Zoom

Organitzat per:

CIDOB’s Global Cities Programme and Urban AI with the support of the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights and Barcelona City Council

CIDOB’s Global Cities Programme and Urban AI co-organise the “Mapping Urban AI” webinar series, with the support of the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights and Barcelona City Council, and within the framework of the Global Observatory of Urban AI. The series aims at highlighting how cities design, use, and implement Urban Artificial Intelligence throughout the globe. 

From specific projects to holistic strategies, what is the value of having an AI strategy? How can cities create overarching ethical frameworks to promote a rich and coherent development of urban AI? What are the key ingredients of successful AI strategies? How can cities govern AI? This first session, moderated by Marta Galceran, Research Fellow at CIDOB, will feature two pioneer cities with experience on the matter, with Paula Boet, Project Manager at Barcelona City Council, and Alex Foard, Executive Director, Research and Collaboration at NYC Office of Technology and Innovation.

>> Register here: Mapping Urban AI