The EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy today: Where to and how?

Ahead of the next edition of the EU-Indo-Pacific Forum in February 2024, the EU needs to review the implementation of its Indo-Pacific Strategy to assess its current assets and vulnerabilities in a swiftly changing region. This event will look at concrete policy orientations for a strengthened EU within that space in the Indo-Pacific.


CIDOB, Elisabets, 12, Barcelona

Organitzat per:

EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS); European External Action Service (EEAS) and Spanish Ministry for External Affairs, EU & Co-operation (MAUC).

Since the launch of the EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy in 2021, the region has seen the mushrooming of minilateral arrangements and bilateral partnerships along geo-political fault lines. This is symptomatic of how regional powers are re-aligning and balancing themselves between the U.S. and China to leverage their influence amidst growing uncertainty and shifting alliances. Regional and extra-regional powers seek to secure a safe space in the region along security and geoeconomic lines. This seminar will address key EU interests in the Indo-Pacific and will look at them from a security standpoint.