CIDOB Breakfast with Loretta Napoleoni, economist, writer and expert on terrorist financing and money laundering
“Why we failed to combat terrorism financing”
Actividad realizada
CIDOB, sala Jordi Maragall, c/Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona
CIDOB with the support of “la Caixa” Foundation
On February 4th, a new edition of CIDOB Breakfasts will take place with the participation of Loretta Napoleoni, economist, writer and expert on terrorist financing and money laundering.
Loretta Napoleoni is the bestselling author of Maonomics, Rogue Economics, Terror Incorporated and Insurgent Iraq. She is an expert on terrorist financing and advises several governments and international organizations on counter-terrorism and money laundering. As Chairman of the countering terrorism financing group for the Club de Madrid, Napoleoni brought heads of state from around the world together to create a new strategy for combating the financing of terror networks.
Napoleoni is a regular media commentator for CNN, Sky and the BBC. She is among the few economists who predicted the credit crunch and the recession, and advises several banks on strategies to counter the current ongoing crisis. She lectures regularly around the world on economics, terrorism and money laundering. She is also a columnist and writes about terrorism, money laundering and the economy for several European financial papers including El Pais, The Guardian and Le Monde. In the 1990s she was among the first journalists to interview the Red Brigades, the Italian Marxist armed group. She subsequently spent three years interviewing members of other terrorist organizations. In 2003 she interviewed followers of al Zarqawi in both Europe and in the Middle East.